3DTechnics Jewel Mill Support Page

Jewel Mill is a MecSOFT CAM package based on the MecSOFT flagship Visual Mill program. Jewel Mill has been OEM'd to Roland for use on the JWX-30 machines. It was introduced on 20090915. Jewel Mill is an extra to the SRP-Player bundle that is included in the JWX-30 kit for the North American market. The European and Asian markets are continuing to have machines shipped with SRP-Player only.

SRP Player works well and there's no critical need for Jewel Mill to run the JWX-30. Jewel Mill does however add a more streamlined workflow and faster toolpathing to the process.


Jewel Mill FAQs Jewel Mill Prod Release Jewel Mill Prod Info MecSoft Jewel Mill Jewel Mill Sales Guide

Jewel Mill Video
