3DTechnics SpaceClaim Support Page
SpaceClaim can import files from CAD packages including SolidWorks, ProE, Inventor, and Rhino. Models can be manipulated so that features become objects rather than individual faces. This makes SpaceClaim an ideal tool for tweeking or extending existing designs downstream from the original designer.
SpaceClaim is a cool tool. The SpaceClaim website at http://www.spaceclaim.com reads like it was written by an army of marketing people instead of someone who could get the engineering points across, but once you get past that it's worth it.
- SpaceClaim 2008 SP1: spaceclaim_2008_SP1_notes.pdf
- SpaceClaim 2008 SP2: spaceclaim_2008_SP2_notes.pdf
- SpaceClaim 2008 Notes: spaceclaim_2008_release_notes.pdf
- System Requirements: spaceclaim_requirements.pdf
- SpaceClaim Rhino Plugin Notes: spaceclaim_rhino_plugin_notes.pdf
- SpaceClaim Supported Formats: spaceclaim_supported_formats.pdf
- SpaceClaim Online Training: spaceclaim_online_training.pdf
- SpaceClaim MCAD Review: spaceclaim_mcad_review.pdf
- Dot Net Setup: dotnetfx3setup.exe
- DX Graphics Diag Tool: dxdiagtool.exe
- SpaceClaim Design Check: spaceclaim_design_check.exe
- SpaceClaim License Installer: spaceclaim_license_installer.exe
- 2008 User Guide English: spaceclaim_2008_user_guide_english.pdf
- 2008 User Guide French: spaceclaim_2008_user_guide_french.pdf
- 2008 User Guide German: spaceclaim_2008_user_guide_german.pdf
- 2008 User Guide Italian: spaceclaim_2008_user_guide_italian.pdf
- 2008 User Guide Japanese: spaceclaim_2008_user_guide_japanese.pdf
- SpaceClaim Professional demo: spaceclaim_installer.exe
- Feature Based Comparison: feature_based_comparison.wmv
- Miter Saw: miter_saw.avi
- Stapler: stapler.avi
- Trans Axle: trans_axle.avi - very large file!
- Design in 2D: 2008_Design_in_2D.flv
- MultiCAD: 2008_MultiCad.flv
- Rapid Design: 2008_Rapid_Design.flv
- Bellevedere Assembly: bellevedere_assembly.zip
- Bracket: bracket.zip
- Faucet: faucet.zip
- Full Size Model: full_size_model.zip
- Miter Saw Assembly: miter_saw_assembly.scdoc
- Stapler Assembly: stapler_assembly.zip
- Tutorial Knob: tutorial_knob.scdoc
- Valve Assembly: valve_assembly.zip
- Waterfall Assembly: waterfall_assembly.zip
- Wrench: wrench.zip
- SpaceClaim Movie: spaceclaim_movie.mov
- SpaceClaim Professional Tour Video: basic_tutorial_with_drawing.flv
- Wrench Example (SWF format): wrench_tutorial.swf
- MFG Demo: mfgdemo.flv
- Update Bend Deduction Table: update_bend_deduction_table.wmv
- Update Combine/Fill/Sketch: update_combine_fill_sketch.flv
- Update Drawing Sheet Metal: update_drawing_sheet_metal.flv
- Update Interface Selection: update_interface_selection.flv
- Update Pull/Move: update_pull_move.flv