3DTechnics Roland FJ FAQs

FJ-600 FJ-540 FJ-500 FJ-400 FJ-52 FJ-42 FJ-50 FJ-40

The Roland FJ Series was an aqueous-ink based line which was in production from 1998 to 2010. The FJ Series has been used for printing on canvas and papers before the advent of solvent-based systems. It has been replaced by: As originally installed, FJ series machines used either Pigment or Dye inks. Conversions to use EcoSol solvent inks was possible with the FJ-40/50/42/52 and FJ-540 models.

The earliest FJ-40 and 50 models could be upgraded to FJ-42 and FJ-50 models with a firmware upgrade in conjunction with a corresponding upgrade to ColorChoice 3.0. This upgrade allowed for higher speed printing and a new 540dpi mode.

COMMON FJ-540 FJ-600/500/400 FJ-52/42 FJ-50/40 History